Belgian Waffle Image Shadow
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Waffle Maker Information

Earliest accounts and remains that have been found of waffle makers or waffle irons originate in the low countries of europe in the 14th century. These countries were historically known as being the lands around the delta of the rivers Rhine, Scheldt and Meuse. The lands crossed into areas of various modern countries such as Northern France, West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

In broad strokes the waffle irons possessed similar features as their modern day counterparts, i.e. two hinged plates with elaborate patterns used to imprint the waffles with. The historical waffle makers where usually heated in hearth fires.

Modern electric waffle makers where first introduced by General electric in 1911. Thomas J. Steckbeck was a key influence on this process as he designed the heating elements used to prevent overheating and where linked to the thermostat inside the waffle maker.

Contemporary waffle irons have further innovations built into them, such as a light which turns on when the irons have reached the optimal temperature. Another convenient feature is the nonstick coating which most waffle makers feature

When we see waffles offered we will often hear the term Belgian waffles as opposed to regular waffles. What is the difference? The recipe for both tends to be the same, the difference lies in the waffle maker used to bake them. Belgian waffle makers make thicker waffles with deeper pockets.

The process of making waffles is a fairly simple one.





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